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Hey guys, literally just got out of the hospital after a 2 hour operation. The tumor is completly out. They did say there is a 95-97% chance i'll recover just fine.

I am really in pain tho but I will be working nonetheless on RESIDENT MILF and a public version of Cyberslut 2077 this month as promised. 

Thank you so much for all the support and appreciation. I am able to slowly pay those huge medical bills thanks to you and your support. I will be working extra hard as soon as I am recovered, anyway from tomorrow I will be slowly working on Resident Milf's character sprite and backgrounds.

Love you all!

Edit: I can't use my left arm... but thank god my right arm is fine and its mobility is not affected!



Just make sure to put your health first! I love updates,but i like updates and good health as a bonus packet way more ;)


physical therapy is hard, but worth it

Benji Fox

No don't work through the pain, recovery is important.


Get well my dude! Love the work.