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TL;DR : I have some health issues, Android 18+ will be released by the end of February and Cyberslut 2077 by the end of March. Resident evil 8 Lady dimitrescu game and Goth GF dating game coming after Cyberslut.

I will still be working full time on this patreon! This is just a personal message.

I usually don't like to talk about my private life too much, but I have some things that I have to say about my current condition. As some of you probably know, 2021 started in a really bad way. I lost a huge amount of money to immigrate and get my license to work as a doctor in the UK which turned out to be useless thanks to Brexit. After that I got some bad news about my health which I didn't want to share but I feel like I should now.

I have something in my body that needs to be removed. Not going to be specific about it but it should worry me but I try to be positive.

This is also the reason why the game development has been sort of slow these past few weeks. And I am so sorry for it! It is entirely my fault. I was supposed to finish android 18+ last week but I developed a complication and my health got worse. Also I blame this on trying to do more than one project without properly managing things.

I don't want to worry anyone, I'll be totally fine. I am still going to be working on my games, finishing Android 18+ by the end of February and Cyberslut by the end of March.

After which I plan to work on a goth gf dating game ( a bit like Orc waifu ) with one of my OC and a game with Resident evil 8's Lady dimitrescu! Which I hope you guys will enjoy, it will be an escape the room kinda game.

Anyway, this message is just a warning if for some reason you seem not as active on social media and what not, but I will do my best to work hard and make cool stuff for you guys. I love doing this because I got such an amazing fan base, and my patrons are awesome! The support is one of the few happiness in my life so thank you so much!

I hope you guys stay safe! And keep on enjoying my work! I will do my best not to disappoint! Even though I have some issues I will do my best to release everything on time and not let things affect the quality of my work! After my surgery I will be filing for papers to make game developing and art my full time job for 2021 so expect some cool stuff soon!

Love you guys!



No worried mate take of yourself please :3




Please do take care of yourself. Your health is what matters most in all this. If you feel you even need a break, no one would be upset about that. I support ya whether you are making content or just taking care of yourself. 💜


Thank you for sharing that and being honest. i hope it gets better for you and I'm glad you recognized that you needed to take care of yourself. As much as i enjoy your work, i don't want it at the expense of your well being. Please take care of yourself, stay safe out there and good luck on your schooling.