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And now we need to decide about this tier.

I’ll say right away that I won’t create so much content on this tier anymore. All this time I drew my comics on pure enthusiasm, if it turned out that I only earned them for $ 1 subscription, then I would have less than $ 200 per month. Even for Ukraine, this is very little. I do not consider my work to be some kind of ingenious masterpiece, but still it seemed to me that it costs a little more.

I'll tell you right away about the second tier ($3) - since my schedule will change now, now I can draw two pages of singles a week! So now there will be more updates on Tier 2.

On the first tier, I definitely will not start some kind of large-scale exclusive project. Let's be honest - it's not worth it. Perhaps my mini comics will appear here a day earlier, high-resolution art and (you can offer your options) .

So far, until I came to some kind of decision, this tier has a charitable function.

You can unsubscribe, add $2 and move up to the next tier, or stay here to support my work with a dollar (now even one will not be superfluous).

Thank you for your support and attention! Hopefully it will work like clockwork again soon.



I'm fine with things as is!