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For some, this can be a happy ending for this couple, for others it can be a terrible one.

My opinion - I can not and do not like to write happy endings :D. I just think it would make the most sense that way. 

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Can we have a poly relationship that includes Ryougo. Ryougo woukd only care for Skate bt would love to join the elf and bard on experiments and just stay up to for a bit to explore with them for awhile!


Не бійся, Люся, він потім від тебе піде. Сподіваюся що в таймлайні майбутнього де вже старий Лєль, Сін-рен згадає, хто вона, і зможе повернути собі розум, бо таке існування у виді Ската звучить як лоботомія


No hurting Skaty anymore.... Pretty please 🙏🥺


Я конечно по-шипперски рада, но не от всего сердца, Син безумно жаль💔, надеюсь, в будущих проектах она еще вернется


Oh Skate 🥺 I wish so much for them to be happy💔


Good page! If I may suggest, a slightly more effective translation of panel 6 would be “do you remember what THIS means?”


He'd better not hurt him ever again. Despite everything and how much I don't think Lewis deserves happy ending, I'm so happy to see this story from beginning to end. All the characters are so well written (including Lewis of course) they're characters I really care about and it's very satisfying and nice seeing what happens to them.... I really hope sweet Ryougo gets love though. Poor darling. Skate and Lewis getting together legitimately makes sense even if I wanna give Lewis a kick in the butt.