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While I'm working on preparing for the final chapter, you can guess what will happen to your favorite characters or couples... This will not affect anything, but it would be very interesting to read your thoughts. Who knows, maybe you can guess everything! :D




I'm disheartened we're on the final chapter. ;-; But at the same time excited to see how everything falls together. This has been a fantastic comic and journey Rip.


Please let these two live happily ever after 😭 I will not be able to recover if they don’t


Это же апгрейднутные концепты к финалу третьего тома, и если тогда был развод, то неужели в четвертом будет свадьба?😱😱🤔 У Скатечки очень красивый костюм💕


let my babies be happy :') but make lewis fight a little for skates love. He was ass to him


I hope Ryogu and Skate get married and love each other very much. Lewis can be a sperm donor so they can have a child. 😊😇 (I know this isn't gonna happen, I'm just a Ryogu stan) Lewis was a dick and I wanna elbow him in his stupid, crooked nose.