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I'll post two more pages of the comic and take a week off from Ishaar`s children. It's a very long and complicated chapter, and it's not drawn in the most comfortable conditions.

There are at least 16 more pages to the end of the chapter (two months of work), I can't stand that much. So sorry for the unscheduled break. I just need it.

All other content is easier to do, so it will be unchanged! Thank you for your attention and support!

Я выложу еще две страницы комикса и возьму недельный перерыв от "Детей Ишаар". Это очень длинная и сложная глава, и рисуется она не в самых комфортных условиях.

До конца главы еще как минимум 16 страниц (два месяца работы), я столько не выдержу. Так что извините за внеплановый перерыв. Просто мне это нужно.

Весь остальной контент делать проще, так что он будет без изменений! Спасибо за ваше внимание и поддержку!



Thank you for the notice and everything you do! ❤️

Alexandra Kanevski

Take your time, your mental and physical health absolutely always go first 💜


It's no problem! Take the time you need.


Будьте ласка, не звиняйтесь, то що ви малюїте зараз, неймовірно. Стежте за своїм здоров’ям ❤️


Please take your time, you are doing way too much in your conditions.


Understandable Rip considering everything happening. Take as long as you need. I can't imagine anyone begrudging you time to relax.


Take all the time you need ❤️ I hope you can relax and recover during your break. Stay strong and safe 🙏🏻🍀🌷


Yes, I think you need a break now, do as you see fit for you now. Difficult work requires some effort. I hope you rest well


Take your time!! Taking care of yourself is the most important thing


Thank you for the grate story and art, take your time 💕✨


Набирайтесь сил🙌


Take a break and relax. Do now the work that you can do. Don't worry! Hold on and stay safe.