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Вы кидаете в комментарии ваши заказы, причем они не обязательно должны быть проновыми! Если хотите именно взрослый контент, то пометьте ваш комментарий "18+".
Можно кидать сколько угодно заявок(!!!), но за месяц я смогу выполнить не более 10ти (чисто физически), так что, возможно, мне придется выбирать самые интересные.
Тут можно ознакомиться какие реквесты выгоднее подавать:

Спасибо за внимание, жду ваши пожелания!) 


You leave your request in the comments, they don't have to be NSFW! If you want NSFW specifically, mark your comment with "18+".
You can leave as many requests as you want(!!!), but in a month I can do about 10 (physically), so maybe I'll have to choose the most interesting ones.

Here you can find out which requests are more profitable to submit:


Thank you for your attention, I am waiting for your opinions!



а ещё хочца увидеть какой-нибудь горячий артик со Скати вне истории. Он такой сладенький, прям не могу. Заранее спасибо, даже если реквесты не зайдут 🌸


Hi! I just became a patreon! I'm happy to be supporting you because I've always drawn fem boys ; v ; and your art is SO lovely!! ahhh! I don't know if you would accept this as a request but I actually was inspired by your pirate comic and decided to create an OC who is a mermaid in reality but in this reference has legs cause he's in land. https://sta.sh/0v0hx49vxy8 His name is Venus. ; v ; even if you don't draw him, I'd be glad to know what you think of him ; v ; <3


Hello! Thanks for subscribing!) It’s too late at the end of the month to submit requests, as I select requests and distribute their execution among the month (I just posted the final art. You can try your luck from the first day of the new month) Just specify what art is expected: 18+ or not. The mermaid is simply charming ^^ It would be interesting to look at his water form)