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Today is a tough day.

There were very loud explosions and many people were injured throughout Ukraine.

In the capital, a hospital for children with cancer was blown up.

If you see news about this on social networks, spread it further, otherwise, I started to see a lot of posts about how people behind the cordon no longer remember that Russia attacked us.

Sorry, I'm broken, angry, and very tired today. But I'm still working. I have nothing else to do.




I'm really curious to see if Zmiy ends up taking notes or if he just devolves into obscene and/or Satanic doodles; both sound plausible! I'm sorry to hear that things are still going badly over there. Keep holding on, Rip. While I have little faith in my government or most of their policies, they're at least still steadfastly supporting Ukraine and opposing Russia's genocidal crimes against humanity. The Nazis were defeated in World War 2, just as the Russians will be defeated in the modern day. Their crimes will not be forgiven or forgotten. All I can personally do is hope that you and your family remain safe, and that the invaders' defeat will come soon. 💖💖💖


Please stay safe