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After a brutal ride.




Me at the end of the night when I go cruising 😁


Love it


Nice one, but where is the beard?

Marcus Rivera

It comes and goes. But he looks so freaking hot from stuble to full on beard.

Marcus Rivera

There is a piece he released where a guy is measuring it with a tape measure. And based on the tape measure it looks to be over 3 meters!

Mohammed Jalloh

Wow three meters that’s comically big haha. I like Recio’s unrealistic body porportions though they turn me on so much for some reason ! He’s super hot ! Haha 🥵🔥🔥🔥


So sensual & sexy! (Would love to see a version with a thicker, but shorter cock, but it’s not my call, just my imagination haha)

BRUTE by simon

Hi Marcus, I can't recall that piece... but obviously 3 meters is even beyond "fantasy"... In my mind it's around 41 cms... a little longer than porn's best hung.

BRUTE by simon

Unfortunately, there are no more cruising places left in my city, the damn visibility and cell phones are destroying the scene...

BRUTE by simon

Why beard? This is not a second part from "Bang!" (previously published)... Same place, other night... As many of you know, I am not a fan of beards, I'm fed up with beards since there is a beard everywhere, although sometimes I draw my character with it because the drawing asks for it.

BRUTE by simon

3 meters???? who said such nonsense? he's a fiction character, his cock is around 41 cms./16 inches when full erected. Thanks so much!

BRUTE by simon

Thanks so much... he's full erected here... But you will see some others where he's more relaxed.


I have to go to big cities to enjoy this kind of things today, like Paris. I had a wonderful time in Barcelona but was disappointed by Milano. There's no places in my city either, they all closed. I find cruising way more fun than apps, you never know what gonna happen in the backroom

BRUTE by simon

Same here. Apps are CRAP. I've tried some of them and in the end people don't meet anyone, people don't know what they are looking for or what they want and they lie more than they talk... How sad every time I think that because of these damn apps they are closing bars and clubs where everything was much more intense and interesting... Real people making REAL THINGS.

Mohammed Jalloh

Oh I’m sorry it was the other guy who said he was 3 meters so I just went with it. Sorry, my apologies !

Mohammed Jalloh

Yeah I know that seemed ridiculous to me haha


Wow - that is so hot. I can imagine him with a broad smile on his face observing his hungry helper who is doing his utmost to drain those weighty balls. Or perhaps he is winking at us in a ‘plenty more where that came from!’ kind of way. Sigh...

P Ros

My favorite drink to have with a Brute🥰