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It goes without saying that your support is greatly appreciated and truly humbling. I would not be doing stuff like Dakis and independent comics.

Darcy is Coming!

Speaking of which, the Darcy Dakis have arrived! Be prepared to see these soon on GUMROAD SOON! Like Soon!

Draw Requests

This will start soon! I think I will have a theme for this month. 


It has begun and will continue to keep rolling! I will begin to put some pages out every month!
The black and white version will be posted here until it is finished. It will be available to Pelo tiers and up. Once it is finished I will release Gumroad but also here too! I will only release it to patrons that are here when it is officially released. After that only the B/W version will be up on the archive. Until I finish this Idk if I'll be doing minicomics at the same time though. It is a lot of work to juggle.

Patreon Benefits!

These links and more will be updated.  I am disabling the Download option for this. It's only to access the work for now. I will enable it without announcing to avoid bans from reaching bandwidth limits.

Thank you!


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