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Recent events have been causing my mind to race all over.

The coronavirus not only a health threat but a financial one too. Merch and stuff like that the Dakimakuras might have to be delayed until the situation gets better.
Unfortunately, it has already claimed the life of one artist that I'm aware of. Always hits close to home when an artist passes. It is a tragic event. I can only hope that it gets better before it claims more than it has already. Please stay safe out there.

My paranoia aside, Patreon Pledges is going smoothly. I updated all the links for your rewards. Expect them soon through PM.

I made a new discord server if you haven't noticed. I had real complications on the other one so making a new one was the best choice to take.

Sucks that a lot of the art and interactions there will be lost but it's okay. We will make new ones in this new one.

I will be starting the comic this week so don't expect to see to much commission work.
I will be posting sneak peeks of that comic for Pelo tiers and Up, but only the early stage of the pages. Contacting artists for guest art too. Hopefully, this project goes smoothly. The last comics gave me a lot of stress. Can't wait to show you!

Again might have to delay some of the merch because it was outsourced. However, I will be searching for places that can do it in my region.

That is it for now. Thank you for your patients and patronage. Also, forgive the tone of the update.

Best Regards,



Abraham McNeil

Attempting a Yahoo Answers kind of thing, you should be able to get to the new Discord server through selecting Andava and going to "Settings" and there should be a discord link through Patreon. Alternatively it might be under "Settings" and then "Apps."