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I’m trying to be patient. But this is ridiculous on Patreon’s end. Always something with them every month. Every single month this site gets worse.

I can’t start shit because half of my patrons are still pending. Idk if they’ll be able to participate in thing I want to start. And I don’t want to feel like some people can take advantage of the situation.

So EVERYTHING is delayed.

Draw request will be extended to all month long. When all this shit is fixed.

It’s not like I can’t migrate else where. I tried. It’s not viable. Subscribestar was a dud site.

The “updates,” for this issue have been vague as hell. They don’t tell us what’s going on. It’s just vague update after vague update. The lack of transparency is leading me to believe that is bad. But idk. It’s a giant joke atm.

I apologize for the rant but this level of incompetence is amazing from Patreon.



Patreon is trash, which is why people are trying to start alternatives ... but until they can secure support from banks (which are already heavily invested in Patreon), none of those alternatives will ever be viable.