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last post for 2022. well this year has its ups and downs. mostly a positive experience.

but mentally wise, I'm not in a good place these past few weeks. to be honest

I get very emotional so often. I feel anxiety, anger, sadness, about the past and the future.
especially when.... I think of my father....

I''m not going into details about my dad, I know you're not subscribing to my patreon to hear about my personal problems.

but if you've been following my art and characters for a long time, I think it's not surprising to find out that their stories actually stems from my own daddy issues.

for years I always feel that a part of me is missing... a void that only my father could fill.
drawing my OCs may not fill that hole, but it does help me to cope.

that's why I love when I see Ugly Cat and Panda just having pure father-son moments. (despite all the messed up things that happens between them.) it gives me comfort.

they're both missing a piece of themselves. Panda wished for a father figure after his dad passed away when he was a kid, and UC just lost the love of his life. having the boy by his side give him someone to care for.

likewise with Reverse AU. little Daniel is missing his parents, while rescuing and adopting the kittens has given Pandad new purpose in life, help him get over his dark past and become better person.

they always find each other. and I think it's beautiful.

Happy Holidays everyone.




I think while it was tough, there is something better there. We all gotta put up with some stuff that hangs over us. But there is also something there to help ya when youre down. Thank you for sharing your stories and experiences. While they may not all be perfect, i hope that the future will bring great things for you and further on. Here is to another year and another step forward. :3

catkitte (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-07 01:40:32 thank you for the kind words. <3
2022-12-25 06:27:42 thank you for the kind words. <3

thank you for the kind words. <3


Such a sweet piece, and yeah, I definitely feel ya here. But know that you have us to support you as always, and there's nothing wrong with saying what you feel~