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Hey everyone! It's Arnold (MurderofBirds). I have a survey for my patrons to fill out, courtesy of Calxiyn. If you are not aware, Calxiyn is a fellow content creator in the community and she is doing a capstone project on social media content creators and their membership options, such as being a Twitch Subscriber or a patron on Patreon. She's trying to gain the perspective of both people who have subscribed or are paying patrons, and fans who follow my content but are not paying members. This is for her university graduation, so I decided to help her out by letting her do this case study on me. This survey is voluntary so don't feel forced to fill it out, but Calxiyn will be analyzing the data and giving me recommendations based on the responses, so your feedback may be implemented in the future! The benefit is having your opinions and feelings heard so I can become a better creator in this regard because I'll be honest, I haven't been the best with things like time management and scheduling content, so it's a much-needed assessment, and there is no risk to you by participating in this survey. 

This isn't something that I would usually do myself, but because Calxiyn had specific criteria that only one or two content creators she knows could qualify with, I decided to help her out.  This isn't meant as pressure for people to continue their pledges, or to subscribe or pledge in the first place, but it's just to gather feedback and your thoughts! THAT BEING SAID, please give your honest feedback and do not just fill out the form willy nilly. If you are going to fill out the survey, please treat it seriously. Thanks for understanding, and if you have any questions let me know.

SURVEY: https://forms.gle/8nMXpVxvxCsfwrf17



Answered. Also, odd place for me to ask this, but I recently got discord and don’t know how to access the MurderofBirds server. If someone could help me out, I would appreciate it.

Matthew Vandiver

I thought we were getting RWBY and RvB concurrently. Clearly not. That makes me a little sad but, ah well, it keeps the good times rolling longer.