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 Greetings and salutations, everyone!

First and foremost, I want to thank you all so much for your kindness, generosity, and for choosing to support me and content you've enjoyed in 2019 directly, whether it was RWBY, gen: LOCK, or Red vs Blue. As a whole, 2019 wasn't my most fabulous year. I was dealing with stress and content fatigue, I moved into a place by myself, and for a time, the content wasn't always uploaded according to schedule. Yet, despite that, you guys were incredible understanding and only reinforced how lucky and fortunate I am to know that your support goes a long way in allowing me to do the things I'm passionate about. And so, whether you've been backing me for years, or you're eager to get that latest reaction ASAP, please know that I'm incredibly grateful for the added show of support. Now I don't want to give away too much, as I'm super excited to start working on new content in 2020, but just know that new content is on the works. Hope you like it! (Q&As, anime, gaming, 100K specials)

Now in regards to RWBY Volume 7 reactions, you may have noticed that my latest reaction video for Volume 7 Chapter 7 has been slightly augmented, with no audio, limited footage, and a timer. Now if this is your first time pledging to me for early access content, it might come as a surprise to you since I've been including the full chapter since Chapter 1. However, I'm going back to the Volume 6, early-access format because 1) I don't want my early access reactions to be seen as an alternative for someone supporting me over RT, as some people have mentioned that they use my reactions for watching the chapter. And 2) it's honestly the format I should've continued using to stay within those boundaries, but I inevitably got lazy with needing to constantly edit 2 versions for Vimeo and YouTube. This was essentially the sync-based format that we ran for Volume 6 and gen:LOCK last year, which went off without much issue, but I am sorry if this is unexpected or disappointing for some. I just hope you can understand where I'm coming from. At the end of the day, I want my reactions, reviews, and discussions to be the reason you choose to support me here, rather than the actual subject content.

But overall, I appreciate the continued support and I hope you're still able to enjoy the future of my early access content in the future.

Arnold (MurderofBirds) 


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