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Hey y'all! Just wanted you to know that my reaction to Red vs Blue Season 10 Episode 8-10 is currently rendering in my editing software, and should be processed and uploaded for early access in a couple hours. I opted to get this batch posted ASAP, rather than focus on getting the FULL reaction & discussion of Episode 5-7 up on YouTube first because THAT video is nearly three hours long, and is going to take several hours to edit, render, process and upload.

So while you're getting the next batch in a couple hours, I hope y'all are still willing to check out my thoughts and theories to the Episode 5-7 batch when that get posted too!

Thanks again for the patience and sorry for the week delay.

P.S. Just to clear the air on the confusion from the delay, the next Red vs Blue reaction (Episode 11-13) will be posted for early access next weekend on Saturday, August 24th.


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