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Hello lads and ladies (ladettes?),

As most of you are probably aware, I've been posting early access reactions for gen:LOCK every week since it started, coming off the same format during RWBY Volume 6. However, this weekend is where I won't be able to get the early access reaction posted for a couple days. At the time of this being typed, Episode 6 is 35 minutes from premiering on the Rooster Teeth site, however, something rather serious has transpired in the last 48 hours and I need to dedicate some weekend time to focus on it. There's no family emergency or anything, as I don't want you guys worrying too much about my absence, but the ordeal has me stressed out if I'm being completely honest. And so, I'm not very stimulated or excited to watch gen:LOCK today.

I don't want to go into a recording with this mindset, so I'm going to focus on IRL stuff during the weekend and work on having the early access reaction posted no later than Monday evening.

Sorry if this comes as a last-minute bummer for some of you, but I hope you guys will enjoy Episode 6 enough for the both of us until I can watch it for myself. As always, thank you all so much for your continued support and I'll be back on track with videos/streams in a couple days.

-Arnold (Murder of Birds)


Curtis Knapp

Man, personnal stuff is always more important than an early video


Life comes first! Do what you’ve gotta do, then you’ll enjoy the episode that much more when you can relax.


"Reality is the only thing that's... well, real." ~ Read Player One Don't worry man, we get it. You do what you gotta do


No worries mate take as much time as you'd like. Everyone needs time to decompress and get there rhythm back after stressful stuff happens.


this episode will probably push him over the edge


The wait is killing me


Hoping we get it tonight, but its looking like it will be tomorrow morning at the earliest


This is torture....


I think it might be tonight or Thursday. Should be this week I think


The wait is so killer lol what a great episode, the feels were crazy


Hopefully it comes out before Friday. I paid $10, not remembering that Patreon doesnt change prices, and only count for the month of charge. I wont be resubing soon, since I dont wanna pay $20 in one week, so I'd like to get this reaction (only reason I paid at all) before it becomes worthless


Ok so yeah, my sub runs out tomorrow, so if its not uploaded today, then i paid $10 for literally nothing. I like your content, but i will never be giving money again


Might as well wait for the actual reaction of Youtube, i get that you have real life but you said Monday by the latest, don't make promises you can't keep.


He never promised anything, and the release will be sometime tonight. But I do agree that atleast there should be updates about it so others dobt have to wait continuously


I understand your reasons for being upset about the delay and I'm sorry. I was dealing with a somewhat serious situation to my current livelihood and was too stressed this past week to commit to watching gen:LOCK like I usually do. The reaction is currently being rendered and will be posted about 2 hours (45 minute video) I'll be sure to direct message you the dropbox link, if you're no longer a patron by the time it's posted. And I know you didn't ask to, but I've gone ahead and refunded your $10 pledge. You should see the refund reflected on your end in 5-7 business days. Again, sorry for the delay and frustration.