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Hesperi comes from a society of snake people who's greatest cultural warriors have always been depicted as swallowing their enemies as a final defeat, swallowing kings, swallowing armies, gods, worlds... So no wonder the young Hesperi wanted to elevate herself by doing just that.

She'd practiced on large inanimate objects, and boy was she proud how much capacity her top stomach could hold now! But being inorganic objects, she'd always had to puke them back up before they'd pass into her lower tract. And with this marauding party of adventurers, she's been shown just how ill prepared for predation she really was...

But alls well that ends well I suppose! We'll be seeing Hesperi try again some time soon I feel.

Thank you all for sticking with me as I made this. I would love to do more big projects, but considering how long this took me I'll be doing some more short term projects to make up for it for a little while. So stay tuned!



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