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有客戶反應VIP會員一個月只能獲取5部舊作品太少,隨著差分版本的作品量越來越大,甚至現在出產的影片數量也是以前的2到3倍(這個是15$會員以上才能感受到的),於是這次我開放了VIP V2會員一個月能獲取10部舊作品,另外也開放了"頂級會員"這個會員能訂製影片(影片必須公開),另外您覺得還有哪邊需要改善可以在下面留言~

Some customers respond that VIP members can only get 5 old works a month is too small, with the number of differential versions of the work getting bigger and bigger, even the number of films produced now is also 2 to 3 times that of the previous (this is more than 15$ members can feel), so this time I opened the VIP V2 members a month to get 10 old works, in addition to the "頂級會員" This member can customize the film (the film must be made public), in addition, you think there is still a need to improve can leave a message below ~



但是4K VIPV2的是不是也有點少了,60美元一個月卻只能獲取過去的10個4K視頻這價格真的合理嗎


您好,4K VIPV2有做一些調整,這個主要是針對過去作品的部分,錯過的東西會比較貴也算是銷售手法的一種,但我還是希望大家能以每月贊助模式會比較划算一點。

羿誠 黃

可以的話我覺得出個gumroad, 以前的連結會過期, 都是4K有點占空間, 能買全部2K組合包就好了

