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Good evening my dears! I hope you are doing well tonight! 

And a most happy new year to you all! ^^ Ah, the last upload of the year my sweeties! And what better way to end it than with the three things I adore? Comic work, sketches, and music! 

Speaking of music, feel free to check out and have a listen to a silly little remix I made for Jeesh's pokemix song whose original can be found here https://youtu.be/JZXURBRGakM?si=eNsyYVtMBov1fba3


What a year it has been, my oh my what a year indeed. What a wild ride we've all shared together. All the laughs, all the tears. All the saying goodbyes and saying hello to the new. I'm glad to share this special night with you all and be able to say thank you for making all these months, these days, and these moments precious. 

I never thought I would be where I am right now, and its thanks to each of you that I'm able to. You've all given me more than a year to remember. You've given memories for a lifetime. 



Bitchboy McGee

I ain't one for much intimacy but I don't think I'd refuse Zodan either.


Double Ghost … Nice