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Good evening my dears~ I hope you are doing alright tonight! 

Today was a more quiet and somewhat cloudy day and I felt a tinge of writing flaring up. A dear friend of mine I recently learned had a fondness (dare I say more?) of a certain Pokemon type named Sylveon. 

I decided to take a swing at it and begin the work upon something as the times for me and writing are windows that are rather small (in-between years) And after some minor edits and revisions, I believe we have the first chapter of something that Glitter herself would be most excited to share! 

If you're a fan of Human x Pokemon and romance, then I believe this story might be a nice little distraction as you may find the same kind of charm I strive to give all my work!


I'm also dearly grateful for all the love recently for some of our newly sketched characters. I always appreciate your dear's words and thoughts. <3



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