C.C.C. poorly thought out wishes, a chill eldritch fox, and a cartoon captive (Patreon)
Good evening my dears~ I hope you're doing alright tonight!
Dropping a handful of sketches, and a title cover for a short-form story. For those of you who might remember, I was doing a handful of short erotic stories sketched out of the robot variety. Ever since, I've especially been in love with the idea of the short story with Sierra 97-A.
One of the original sketches of her can be checked out here too! ^^ In the meanwhile, I'll be setting onto the next page of Like strokes on a canvas too. I'm going to set aside some time for Sheelub's story to get finished up but I needed to step back because of the painful amount of work needed for all those finer monstrous appendages.
As always I do hope you enjoy and thank you all for your patience! <3