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Good afternoon my dears! I hope you are doing well today! 

Dropping off a handful of sketches here including a couple comic pages of a potential bonus scene from Heart's Trappings that I may work on somewhere down the line. 

-Next Streaming date-

I wanted to announce my next streaming night here For Sunday the 13'th at 7PM Pacific daylight time! I'll be certain to give a head's up ten minutes before the start since I know a lot of us aren't on Vegas time, hehe! I'm hoping to catch you there and enjoy another relaxing evening together. It was good fun talking with some of you and sharing that experience.


-Potential disruptions due to health-

I'm going to be continuing my work here on the next page of 882 Puppet Avenue's story. What was happening yesterday is happening again today so it is somewhat difficult to think let alone stay upright. But please look forward to the page! I am most excited to continue it forward!

Something I had neglected to consider was that towards the middle of last month, I began to find my medications less effective. My psychiatrist had decided to lower the dosage of one of my antidepressants during our appointment shortly after this began occurring, much to my disagreement and suggestions not to tamper with it. Since then I've found myself more dizzy, exhausted, numb, and unable to focus, among other emotional episodes.

I have a followup appointment on the 14'th and hopefully we can go in the right direction from there. I just wanted to be honest with you all and deeply appreciate all your patience. I know these hiccups are not what anyone wants to hear, so I am grateful for your understanding while I try to keep things level. It continues to be rather a roller coaster ride on this end. As always I'm going to try my best and work within my means! 

All that being said, I am happy to say that both my hands have been doing much better recently. I'm feeling less of the burning and numbness, which is a great relief as I continue my exercises and rest periods. 



Dezponia Veil

Health comes first, be it physical, mental, or otherwise. I'm rooting for your continued recovery! Looking forward to where our snake, kitty, and puppet stories go next. 🥰

Duke of Dooks

Wishing you the best of luck, boss