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Hey guys! I'm putting up this poll today because I appreciate and deeply care about your experiences and feelings when it comes to supporting me when you have so many choices out there!

Last month I found a lot of kind souls had to say goodbye because of one reason or another, and while I'm always sad to see someone go, I will always be grateful for the kindness and generosity of you all when it comes to the time we share together. 

I want to be honest with you all here as I have always been. There was a sharp downturn with many declines and a lot of cancellations to the point of nearly a $300 loss. I've returned back to where I was before I left my job. And It is becoming more and more likely that I will have to return to full time work. 

Given my hands and most likely the inability to access the laptop like I used to, my output is going to be heavily impacted. The last thing I want is to further strain the time between posts, so I'm hoping you can help me do better so I can turn things around and make our experiences here better together!

Thank you all again for being here! Bless you. <:)



For many years now I've greatly enjoyed your work, interactions and words. I'm pretty satisfied but also fully understand wanting to grow and expand beyond the current state of things. Dezponia gave a lot of good tips and I agree that signing your work and adding a link to your Patreon page at the bottom is a good idea. That way any time someone shares one of your works on discord and other platforms people will know where it comes from, making it much easier to find. You could also try your hand in commissions. Those may feel limiting but can be pretty fun as long as you set clear boundaries. Whats important with commissions is making a clear list of what you will and will not draw and how complex that is going to be so that you don't get people wanting 20 different characters in poses in the background. It's also important to set up slots that are manageable. I've seen plenty of artists set them to 1 or 2 a month. Art streams could also be fun, but those do require preparation and time beforehand. A discord server to share arts, tutorials and memes could be fun too, but like streaming it requires preparation, time and management. Regardless of what you chose to change, take care of your health. Burning out on work is no joke and is a hole that is very hard to get out of. You and your work will always have my support. Good luck!

Friday The V

Frankly im gonna just be plain honest. Your one of first artists I genuinely loved almost around 10 years ago, and by the this point I'm kinda just a huge sl#t for anything you make because it has such a wonderful soul put into it, so as long as you genuinely love what ya make ill support ya till the end