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Good afternoon my dears~ I hope you're doing alright today! Next page is up! 

I wanted to preface this with a thanks to everyone here for all your support! I'm having so much fun with these stories and hope you are too! 

Yesterday, my mother went in for major dental surgery. I'm taking care of her as well as finally making headway with the car repair. I have to take her for a couple of readjustment procedures and checkups. This is all to say it is becoming especially difficult to get the time I need in the day to work on my comic work. 

I'm still doing my best, and also trying to do more sketches to help fill in for everything, but I really thank you for your patience with me during this time! <:) 




I hope your mother feels well soon. Take as much time as you need. Glad the car repairs are coming along. Having a vehicle makes getting around much, much easier. You never fail to make interesting, funny and engaging stories and characters and those are always worth the wait to me :). The best of luck the coming weeks!

Phil Maddox

Take all the time you need. Good luck with all the stuff you got going on.