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WHOOPS! So sorry guys, I forgot one song. It's in the downloads. Sorry to double ping. ;v;

Good evening my dears~ I hope you're doing alright tonight~

Well, the last week I've just been plugging away at edits and samplings of music once again. It has been very fun trying to expand and get a little more creative with a lot of them.

This time there are 6 songs, and if you're a fan of glitch and beats, well I certainly do hope that you enjoy! The songs can be downloaded below!

If you weren't around for the first set and are curious, please do follow this link to the first~




Ryan Jones

Hey its good tunes

Yuvie (Ornero)

A couple days ago, I just got around to burning the first mix on a CD so I could listen to it while I drive. Excited to have more!!! Good stuff, Shane! 👌


Double ping? I haven’t gotten a single notification on this app in 3 years. Are others actually seeing when new posts go up on mobile?

Shane Wexelman

I'm honestly not sure. I know from the past that I would be notified of a post, including a repost.

Shane Wexelman

Oh that is absolutely precious and sweet. Oh goodness, it sounds silly but I honestly forgot about burning CD's being a thing. Wowza how quickly things change.

Yuvie (Ornero)

I can report that my pings generally work, tho rarely do I ever face alleged double pings. The patreon app sucks bad in general, tho. I'll face errors like how 25% of the time it can't load posts after clicking on the notification, or will pretend I'm not subscribed to anybody x3

Yuvie (Ornero)

It won't be a thing for long with modern cars and computers lacking CD trays! But with me and my old junker, I much prefer swapping CD's than bumbling around with my phone and aux cord x3