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Good afternoon again my dears! I hope you're doing alright today~

Well the polls are in and let me just say, I knew it. I absolutely knew it was to be, the moment she was put down. Our dear princess Tepip has been crowned our next story. 

I want to thank everyone for giving your votes. We have a new record of turnout votes that beat the previous! Wow guys, I really appreciate you! So let's see how those numbers turned out.

out of 139 votes, the numbers break down like so:

- Tepip the blind princess had a strong start tied with Belqui and Ralph. But she took home the gold in the end, pulling way ahead at 37% of the entire votes

- Ralph the goat mage followed up second at 27% which genuinely warms my heart how much love he is getting.

- Belqui the sock puppet slinks in as third at 22% She's honestly one of the stories I would especially like to work on, but every story I present I dearly hope to share and delight you all with. 

- Nuri the yokai wall stands firm at forth with 8% of the total votes. I'm so happy to see the genuine love for her, and that she continues to hold such strong votes when it comes to staying! Who knows, she might just be a winner yet! 

- And lastly at fifth, Nirvash the vampire eel sits in more shallow waters at 6% of the total votes. She might just become a deep one and swim off to new seas, but that's okay. I love presenting every idea I can with you all.

This is an exciting time for me as I begin something I've hoped to do for a long time which is working on two stories both at the same time. The way this shall breakdown  for us is each day, one page from one story will be posted, and the following day one from the other will be posted.   


So what are the next two stories we'll be seeing once Heart's Trappings has finished up? 

You have a kind face - A fearful princess runs from the promise of her throne. Lost and scared in the land betwixt, a happen chance encounter with a vagabond see's the journey of her return. Little does he know the secret of her true nature.

Like strokes on a canvas - An artist losing the inspiration to paint is offered some time to an old cabin near the cliff and oceans to find his creativity again. But his muse may be something more otherworldly.


Alongside this, I am proud to announce I have begun something else as a first. I have begun sketching out the pages for two separate stories that will eventually be up for vote next round. Whether either are chosen or not, I will be absolutely tickled to have a complete story just waiting to someday be shared with you all. 

While I would love to share the premise and characters with you all now, I'll just let the fun of the mystery be its thing while we wait. ^^

Thanks again everyone for all your support and sticking with me. You're all sweeties and help keep my dreams going.  



Duke of Dooks

Something precious ahead

Melodia Hound

My goodness, with so many stories to look forward to I'm feeling spoiled! I can't wait to see how these turn out, but don't burn yourself out.

Shane Wexelman

I'm really grateful that I can do that for you with my stories. It's still hard to believe how far we've come in this community together. How much the support that you and everyone give me transformed me from doing my art sporadically to working on it each and every day. I've accomplished so much and finished so many stories with pride. I'll do my best to look out for my health for you guys.