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Good afternoon my dears~ Hope you're doing alright! Next page is up!



Friday The V

;-; they both need a vacation

Brian A. Romero

This is why i fell in love with your comics, can't wait for next page


I’m not crying you’re crying 😭

Ryan Jones

It's good times by all


You're stories are really something else Shane. I can hardly think of any notification I'm as eager to see as each new page you present, watching these wonderful tales unfold in perfectly bite-sized episodes

Shane Wexelman

That's really sweet of you to say, thank you. <3 Always excited and happy to share the next. ^^


No really Shane. I have been here since this patreon started. I have become a father, own a house, accepted my sexuality... I have changed as a person. But you have shown constant growth too. I'm so glad to be witnessing this journey with ya. This is my favorite part of the Shane Frost arc so far and I'm looking forward to seeing more.

Shane Wexelman

I never take anyone's words of kindness lightly. There is nothing more humbling nor a reason for gratitude than knowing we can share this life, this time, and these stories together. It is dears like yourself who truly give me life and meaning.