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Good evening my dears! I hope you are doing well today! 

Busy day, but we made it again! Got on the wrong bus and ended up going out some strange ways. Yet here I am, and could I be any happier to be? I see we have some new souls with us today, which makes me happier than any clam! As good a night as any to post pictures of one sassy mimic. 

I was an hour early to my work location this morning and so I curled up on a chair. Luckily I had remembered to bring my sketch book with me, and so in the morning light I stared at the cover of this college ruled set of sheets. " You're right notebook. College did rule. " I thought to myself, which no, it really did not. It reaaaaaaally did not. So I thought about dark souls instead, and thus I thought of my greatest fears in that game. The mimic chests. Oh yes. I fear mimics outside those games too. Imagine. 

Well, we all know what I do with all my bad emotions. I make them into silly things that are awkward, possibly romantic, and mostly strange. Thus we have what I am calling in pending title " Chest Pain " 

Ever have a fear of some mythical creature? 



No one of consequence

Loved Dark Souls, cleared Sen's Fortress with no deaths, first try. I'm... cautious lol