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Good evening my dears~ Hope you're doing alright tonight. Next page is up! :)




Can't believe this little story has gone on for over 80+ pages so far, what in incredible run you've had with it Shane, and what a ride it's been to read ^-^

Shane Wexelman

I'm just as surprised as you really. I never really know how long a story is going to go on when I start it. I know though that we're coming to the end of this one. I hope it's been fun for you guys sharing this journey with me.


I'm always a little torn when it comes to stories like this. A good story with a happy ending is always nice, but I always long for the "what's after the happy ending...". How will they cope with the world, will there be conflicts, how does their relationship evolve, do they start a family? What really happens after the "happy ever after"? Not only in this story but in all stories in general. This is why i like when story get a revisit, even after the artis said "The End". A good sequel, right were we left off, is always nice too.