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Good evening my dears! 

Hark, gasp! We live again! My apologies that I have been on silence once more this weekend. Can you believe the holidays are nearly over already? Well the times of change are coming, and another year of ours is coming to an end. I can't believe that some of you have been here with me for nearly a year now. I've said it before and I stand by those words. You're like family to me, and though there may be distance and sometimes silence..I enjoy sharing these moments and times with you. 

They are things I will not have again, not the same. Winter is a lot like that. The time of year where the world seems to grow cold, the beautiful fields of green turn to grey, and our skin begins to hurt. When life returns it is just as beautiful, but it is different. These are times to be grateful, and I assure you, I am grateful for you having me. I don't know if I'll be seeing you next Winter, and if I do, I know you'll have changed a lot by then. The way you are now and the way I am now, we'll never have this time again. That's okay though. Next time will be ours in a whole new way. 

So hey. Bundle up if it's cold. Or if you enjoy that like I do, then walk with pride on this cold night. Some tea would be nice. I have a lot to do. The next page of the comic. I'm hoping to have a day off to catch myself. When I do..well, it's party time! 




Awwwww really stunning pics.


doctor doctor, gimme the news-- i got a bad case of loving you