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Drifting thoughts, intangible ideas. Don't think we're given enough magic, bestowed compassion for what it is that we do. The arts will always be a higher calling. After all...it's you whose doing the calling.




Thanks for your comics like this. They're always nice to read. I'm 30 and my art still looks terrible. I didn't start loving myself until recently so I wasn't able to make anything without immediately discarding it. Now I'm fine with it not looking great yet. It's just a matter of being tired all the time from work. I'm doing my best to draw a little bit at a time but I'm always exhausted and art requires a lot of mental energy. I'm not going to give up though. Eventually I'll be able to share what I want through art and I'll be doing it for myself. Your work inspires me and I really appreciate the time you put into making these comics about your thoughts on the side too.


Art is definitely something that doesnt get enough talking about. You have a lot of people who dont see artists as real workers, you have people who dont see certain things as art when they ARE (Example: YouTubers), and all manner of other things like you said. One thing Ive learned about being an art enthusiast and I always hold true is that the people behind the piece are not machines. Yall have lives, jobs, emotions, and things can and will happen at any moment. Ya might have a day where you just dont feel ok, maybe there was a bad break up, a death of someone close, maybe youre moving house or getting surgery, on and on. People dont understand just how much of a life artists have because we really only see the art most of the time and not the person behind it. And that person has a whole LIFE behind them as well. And what goes on in their life, good or bad, simple or complex, will very likely have an effect on their art in some way. Thats something I feel people need to understand more; its the big reason Im so patient with any and every art piece I ever get. And yeah, emotion is a big part. Whatever goes on in their life will bring emotion. But what you said in that 2nd-to-last panel rings so true in any form. I dont draw seriously, I do little doodles every so often and I like some that Ive been able to make. But Ive felt the sting of being proud of something and not getting much of a reaction for it. My brain wants to tell me the logical things like "Well you posted it at night" "Maybe people are busy" etc, but my heart feels punched and a little deflated. I already struggle with the idea of sharing any of my ideas PERIOD because my mind already bullies me for that, but when that happens it really just makes me want to never do it again. It hits me HARD, and it hurts a lot. I get past it and move on but in the moment it really gets to me. And thats something Im sure plenty of people can relate to. Emotions mean so much for art of any variety, heck it means so much for being creative at ALL. And its not fun having to deal with it. A lot of people may put on a brave face but that doesnt mean the pain isnt there.

Shane Wexelman

I once expressed the idea that figures of renown are often the least known of all, for their work proceeds them. It is like you said, people see the product but not the figure nor humanity behind it. And even then it is so often only the curated attributes of them in their best of lights. Art is not the tool nor key many think that it is. It is a window, a doorway into the soul, imagination, and reflections of how one interprets this life. A question or answer waiting for someone to walk into the conversation. The road to expression is a painful one, but it is like a tide...that thing in us that wants to be heard, drawing us back to the center no matter how much we believe we want to elude it. I've been deflated and mocked a great deal myself, and seldom do the works I especially love find that love in return. It needn't' be a stifling or defeating thing...there is much more for you, I, and others to share with the waiting world for good or bad.