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Good morning my dears~ I hope you are doing alright today. 

I'm feeling exceptionally warn down after the last three days of crazy stuff happening on my graveyard shift. So I apologize but I'm going to take a single day off here to rest my hands and mind. 

That being said, I decided to come out of left field here with a most random set of sketches here. 

Courage the cowardly dog was actually one of my favorite cartoon shows as a kid, and as odd and silly as it may sound, I always found Shirley the Medium to be a most fun character. 

Given the general state of the rule34 regarding them, I found it rather lacking and decided to toss my hat in. 

Working on these sketches has also given me some inspiration for a very close looking inspired character so who knows, perhaps another short story may be on the horizons yet. 

You all take care out there, and I hope you have a great rest of your day. <3 




Take care Shane, don't hesitate to take rests when you need to, we all need them from time to time.

Inhuman Interest

Take care , and I hope you can get some rest.