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Good morning my dears~ Hope you are doing alright. 

Recently my computer has been acting up real funny. Freezing up, not responding to input, you name it. Turns out on closer inspection it appears to be failing, and it is quickly catching up. 

Sadly this might impact my posts. I do my best to try and get a page out each day so I'm a bit bummed that this is happening. But I've at least sketched out the next page of our current story in the meanwhile. I'll keep you guys posted though while I try to locate a replacement drive and fix this! <:)

Be good to each other, and I hope someone is good to you too~  


Robert Varnum

I got a whole spare computer i built in back in 2017. If it still works I'd be willing to give it to ya.


hope everything goes well =[ pc stuff its so pricey. *hugs* at least you did backup everything