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Good morning you sweet dears~ Dropping a digital piece I call...well, the title explains it all! ;)

Inspired by CoryaYo's "Moon River" which can be found here https://soundcloud.com/coryayo/moon-river


All beings of these plains beyond their grandest desires and lofty ambitions, share upon their births the mutual beginnings of the decay. That whose fibers weave and connect us all to one another of this world. 

All life in itself begins from death. The unending conversion of that which came before us, gifted and bestowed into ourselves so that one day we shall return it as all did before to be given once again. When we are born, we yield to this knowledge, this silent grace of the great equalizer.  

 It is merciful...this supposed degradation. For eternity is a curse, and perhaps it is this transformation which delivers us from the final corruption saved for those whom cling too dearly to the Earth. Inevitable as we wander our existence, the threads of life and death  flows around us and within our very veins. All things of the world and beyond are within our blood.

...even decay.  



Yuvie (Ornero)

So freaking cool and pretty!!! Your art is always such a treat, and this especially so!