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Happy Harpvember all you sweeties out there~ I hope you're enjoying it so far! 

Well have I got an announcement here. Each and every harpy that will be shown this month will be for adoption! There will be two waves, 15 harpies each. This will be taking place on my furaffinity page which can be found here:


First Wave - Nov. 15'th - 18'th. 

Second Wave - Nov. 30'th - Dec. 3'rd

All final highest bids will be locked 12PM UTC- 7, and the winners PM'd. Pament request will be through paypal, and the Harpy will be yours. <3 

I hope to see you guys there and want to say thanks for joining me for this month. <3



Robert Varnum

I'm fond of the older one. I might adopt it.

Shane Wexelman

hehe, watch out then! There's been a couple folks who have really set their sights on beautiful 'ol Minnow. &lt;3

Robert Varnum

You underestimate my power.