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Good evening my dears! I hope you are doing alright tonight!

Up for download and viewing is a piece I call " when you open up " Inspired by Farragl's "Ca†alog" which can be found here https://soundcloud.com/user-660570094/ca-alog


What a terrible place the world must appear for the silent and guarded. Reaching out, you can feel the lines and binds across the arms and wrists. Your voice, a whisper, can sound like ice, and your muscles seem to ache. 

Why should we try when we know it won’t do us any good..?

There is more to this world than ruin. And there are worlds within each of our hearts. Guarded beneath tightly clenched fists, buried beneath our chests. 

Why should you bother with any of it? Because it's you. 

Soft as a whisper, unquestionably human...you. 

And despite all the fear, all the hesitations and doubts born from pain time after time, it's still you deep down in there. And when they hear your voice...I know to them it'll sound like you can sing. 



Duke of Dooks

I'm so happy for them!