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  • of the keep.mp4



Good evening my dears! I hope you are doing alright!

Tonight for download and viewing is a piece I call " Of the keep " Inspired by Pogo's "Yoda yodel" which can be found here https://youtu.be/N1IzdF2Wkp8


They sing to unknown moons whose light has fallen long ways...

..sooner or later, no matter how little you believe it,  you will eventually be in their gaze. 

Nuhkeep and the serpents of old whom sing upon this wounded expanse..

Our sorrows, our pains...shall not become our ruins but our stepping stones. 

Our worlds shall not fall. They will rise as will we all with them.

Do not forget...when your body has given way...when all your words are lost...your feelings will be your last strength. Hold onto it and just listen for the singing...the songs.
