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Good afternoon my dears! I hope you are doing alright today! 

Up for download and viewing is a piece I call " Imprini " who some of you may recognize if you've been with me awhile. 


Hearts shift as they do turn. Hardened by adversity, they some times grow brittle to the point of cracking, breaking. 

Wayward souls etch the ether skies of untold plains, leaving imprints and echos of their spiraling deeds. They expect punishment, but there is only redemption here. 

Pilgrims of the greater void hear these cries of these humble specks, and hold them close no matter the bitter state of their fragility. 

Imprini, whose voice was lost so long ago, learned to speak in a way hearts never knew they wanted. Stomping their feet in defiance to the sharp truth of the universe, a rare force seems to radiate all about them. It's mercy.....love. 



Duke of Dooks

Of course, those leggings are love incarnate