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Good morning my dears! I hope you are doing alright today! Up for download and viewing is a digital clean up of one of my sketches, revealing the nameless moon goddess. 


One's agony can become clarity, while something as the perfect moment can be clouded over by one's temperament.

Suffering is often risen from one's disagreement with the contrast of "goodness" good health, good mind, etc. It asks us to forsake these elements rather than appreciate any meaning in them. 

One's journey to seek "liberation" from suffering is to deny themselves a part of existence's whole, as well the valuable lessons it can teach. We feel these things for we feel greatly. To deny them is to deny aspects of what the gods have given.

To betray this aspect of life is to trespass upon the divine. To harm if not only others then most of all yourself. All things are a lesson when we look upon them. But they are meaningless if all we do is feel without thought towards a higher calling for those feelings. 

Our tears must inevitably rise. They must.



Yuvie (Ornero)

Ooooooo, this looks fantastic! I love how vertically aligned this piece is! Also gotta love finally seeing notable characters/figured! (Btw, first line in the second paragraph: I think autocorrect changed "Suffering" to the right to vote xP)