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  • root of the scholar's sorrow.mp4



Good afternoon my dears! I hope you are doing alright today! 

A big welcome to the first day of February here! My goodness has it been one eventful first month of the year, huh? 

I'm just grateful that we're still here and moving forward. Thanks for keeping up your strength and giving it your all.

Up for download and viewing today is a piece I call " Root of the scholar's sorrow " Inspired by Smuffy's " Gotta Go Now " which can be found here https://youtu.be/QEZPaCCuw_M


The path of a scholar is a deepening one. That like pressing one's head beneath the icy surface of cold waters. Seeking answers unending, this breathless effort is a daunting task, a thankless one. 

To walk the roads of the arm's reach is to invite the revelation we are anything but. Strands and strings both cosmic and ethereal penetrate all things of this world, binding them no matter how near or far. To see them is to know no matter how broken one may be, they will always be attached to this world. 

But there is a shadow to this path, and a price to be paid for bearing these sights. Harbingers of the great shadow Issac would reveal that passionate pursuit for answers without the forbearance of the sorrowful truth would lead one to develop a hardening of their senses and spirit...not unlike a form similar to crystals...diamonds..

Moons bring small comfort, but comfort none the less for those disturbed most by their pursuits. A subtle yet vivid  reminder for vigilance. Beware the mind's frailty, for like the heart it too can harden. And as some would say...in this universe, grand, hardened things are destined to break......and the universe grows a sharper place.



Yuvie (Ornero)

This piece looks amazing!!! It's super interesting to see the scale of the piece extend far past the area of intrigue, and it all is beautifully composed. I love how the nothingness's design bears tangible resemblance to a branching tree or root system; It fits very appropriately with the title without feeling pun-uy. Great job overall! And I love learning more about the aspects of the world 👌