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  • Take it on up.mp4



Good morning my dears! I hope you are doing alright today! 

Up for download and viewing is a piece I call " Take it on up " Inspired by Pogo's "Studio Walkaround/Joey's Bop" which can be found here https://youtu.be/XkPKJr8C75s


Pieces of the primordial universe line the horizons like fractured scars of a time unfathomable.  Often found precariously upon them, fallen stars gather. These slivers of celestial ruin appear as if drawn to them somehow, some way. 

Figures great and small, wayward in their journies share chance encounters with these orphaned fragments of disparaging light. 

Though they are lowly things with a weight, stars can rise again no matter how snuffed out their embers may be. Pilgrims and strangers alike have been seen to dance around these orbs. Stomping their feet perhaps in defiance of the great sadness we all share.

Sooner or later the star will rise again. Towards where, no one knows. Perhaps somewhere warmer, somewhere bright. 



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