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Boy is that a mouthful! Now for those of you that have been keeping up, I have been severely depressed as of late on top of an expanding work schedule because Hello, It's Christmas time. This does not mean I have not been pouring my time and thoughts into other things. I've actually been writing a lot, as I am to do when I'm depressed, and who knows, I might release the story some day! " The House of egg on Fenn street " Sound nice? Oh I don't know.

For all you backers and..fingers crossed here..maybe one day backers, here is a preview sketch at the first panel of the next page of Machine 2. Can ya believe it?! You're like..the only people that are looking into the future right now..just in a really boring way. Now I know what you're thinking " Shane it looks just so terrible! " .............yep! But I have a way with changing around these sketches and pulling some magic so let's see what happens!

If you have not seen Machine 2 or even heard of Machine for that matter, well you can find either in most of my galleries! Or heck, here are some links to my tapastic for quick coverage!

Machine  - http://tapastic.com/episode/166576

Machine 2 - http://tapastic.com/episode/235972

Thanks for stopping on by and if you have any suggestions about how I can make this Patreon a greater experience for you, well just leave me a note or two! You be good now!


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