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Good morning my dears! I hope you are doing alright today! 

Up for download and viewing is a piece I call "adrift" 


What a great sadness it must be for those who call themselves adrift on the ocean, completely unaware they have been on an island of restriction and rigidity. 

There is a shadow over ourselves. Some of us have turned our backs to the sun. Many yearn for understanding and satisfaction, and so the shadows grow longer. Our reach becomes treacherous with our beliefs that what we deserve and what we need can only be snatched or taken, not received. 

Worse yet, that we do not deserve the warmth of life at all in this drifting existence. 

Each of us, every one of us seeks atonement. Mercy for our sins, and retribution for our pride. We cry out in lament when we see others thrive, and ask the spirits and gods or nothing else at all why we alone are cursed. 

We are not...

You are not alone nor are you cursed. You are not even lost. You are just blind in your own shadow, and your face for such a long time has not looked upon the sun. You are deprived of a reason to smile, emptied of permission to indulge your worth, and you are worth something: Everything. 

You cannot be lost at sea if that is where we are meant to be. You cannot find atonement if all you yearn for is punishment. You cannot grow if you are wilting in the shadows. Do not mistake self denial and self harm for redemption. You will not be redeemed here. 

Step into the waters and see how found you truly can be, out here adrift with the rest of us, waiting for you at sea. It's time you felt a new sensation.




just got to try and remember that too. Things aren't always that easy, but it's important to try. Thanks for such an important work of art!

Shane Wexelman

None of it is easy, and it is a grave mistake that we believe witnessing someone's stronger moment to be a thing of luck or talent. All healing things are born from love, discipline and yearning. We must begin at any point with one of them to understand in time the rest. You are worthy of every ounce of effort no matter how small, I promise.