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Good afternoon again my dears! Looks like it's going to be one of those two post kind of days here. 

Apologies but Patreon isn't accepting any preview images right now so this'll have to be a download only post this time! 

Up for download and viewing is a piece I call " Magick " Inspired by Zach Farache's " Charlie Brown " which can be found here https://soundcloud.com/zachfarache/charlie-brown


Art in itself is like magic, not like the kind used to entertain and please an audience, built upon illusion after illusion, but like the primordial energies of the great and dark abyss we understand now as the universe.

And in many ways it is as much an act of self cultivation as it is a cry of conjuration. Art is like magic, not the kind of pop culture magic in books and films where a few twists of the fingers and a couple words then suddenly presto, from your hands appear flowers. 

There can be beauty from your hands. There can be life and growth. From you, things can flourish. But this requires discipline to contrast haste, patience to outlast frustration, and wisdom built upon failure. 

Art is like magic...what you pour into it, you shall receive in return. And should you pour into it your disbelief's, your self hatred, and selfish desires...you will not receive blessings, but instead scorn in the form of a curse. You must be sincere above all to yourself and to understand while expression and creation exist in all things naturally, it will need to take extraordinarily unnatural courage and love to reveal it outwardly. 

All the answers are there within you. Twisting and turning in the dark. It is natural to hesitate calling on them for we are all destined to at times believe in little of anything let alone ourselves. Hesitate as you must for a time, but do not stop moving forward. There are things of great revelation and consequence awaiting us still. 



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