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Good evening my dears! I hope you are doing alright tonight! 

Up for download and viewing is a piece I call " Do not turn away "  Inspired by JulesKennedvitch's " Diva Dance " which can be found here https://youtu.be/jFE2Ddo5hGM 

I realize as of late that I have not so much reached an art block as I have a writer's block. At times I find my mind so...numb to forming, well, words. So I'll be spending some time working on art each day, and just...letting the words come to me with each post. 

I figure this can be a good starting point to finding myself again. 


The world to some is a cold place. A winter which never thaws.

For a time, a great coldness grew in my heart...it formed when I was a child. With every motion to quiet me, to turn me away.  

That coldness grew in me until finally I did begin to turn away. My voice became a whisper until the whisper became silence. 

The silence transformed me, subtly each day. It was a presence I had grown accustomed to, and so I could not recognize I was in great pain until after many years of that cold silence, I finally wept alone. 

I felt so cold and so weak for so long. I did not know it was okay to cry. This had never been taught to me. And in my anguish I knew I did not want to hurt, but that I wanted to heal. 

There is a truth in our world...a healer cannot heal themselves alone. The world does not call for your exile. It pleads for your place in it, and you do have your place in it.  

For whether you do not know it now, or have forgotten, all things are connected, and no matter who you are or what you do, someone needs you as you need them. The string to you and others does not break. It cannot. 

For you see, the world is not always a cold place. The winter does not last forever.....and it is alright to cry. To feel deeply and let out those feelings, and to know you are not lost on this world. 

We all need guidance now and again. We all need...kindness. Do not turn away as I have. Let me be yours now.



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