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Well good afternoon my dears. I hope you are all doing alright today. 

The third section of </3 Broken is just about complete here, and with that in mind, this leaves us at an unusual time in the VN. 

Word from my animator has it that the complete animated base model for the second section will be available by tomorrow, but even if that is the case, creating the section itself will be a very involved process. 

I don't want to get technical here but let me tell you that a whole lot of jurry-rigging and creative leaps were made just coding this last area, and the same process can be expected to be carried into the second. Visual assets aside, this could take an additional week at least if the animated model is all set to go. 

The last thing I want to do is keep everyone here waiting on ice for too long because I value your patience and time. So here's the question then: How would you feel playing a current version build with the third section being available first before the next version features both the second and third together? 

Sure there may be a small spoiler in there but otherwise it'll have everything you could expect out of an encounter with one snakey queen! 

TLDR: Again, I value your feedback and thoughts here, so I would like to know if you would prefer checking out the third section first as it will be readily available, or wait for the second section to be complete along with the third before checking it out. 



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