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Good evening my dears! I hope you are doing alright tonight! 

Up for download and viewing is the next page of the Sigj! We're back at it. 

That being said I needed to take this moment to mention I received some bad news and it's been dwelling on me. 

My mother got a hold of me, and I learned my step father was involved in a car accident. Hit at a stop light. Seems to be our family's curse. He's been hurt really bad and only getting worse as time goes on. 

My mother has depended on him for years, suffering from a slow but progressing process of Ankylosing Spondylitis. But given the circumstances he may not be able to ever truly heal back to how he was before let alone in the time enough to reclaim his job. Without his ability to provide, they will lose their home and everything else. 

It will only be a matter of when at this point, but I will be selling off most of everything I own and returning back to Las Vegas to do what I can for them. It might be sooner than later but we will see. 

I don't want this evening to be a downer for everyone here. I'm worried, and I'm stressed but I am going to figure things out. You all remember to take care of yourselves out there, and to share some love with those close to you. 




Holy, I know I am already financially trying to help you out, but I am more than willing to give that bit extra if it helps out in any form! I really, really hope things go better than seems to be predicted here and I am super sorry to hear what's going on.


Oh man... I'm so sorry to hear all of that. You know I'm just a message away if you want to talk!