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Good evening my dears! I hope you have been doing alright as of late. 

Recently I found myself burnt out a bit with balancing work and life. After my struggle with the last page of the Sigj, I realized I was losing focus and happiness on the project. My stress level went through the roof to the point I was losing sleep and overworking my mind with revision after revision. 

You know how it is. Passion projects eventually turn unhealthy habits.

I've decided to step away for a brief period of time from the comic. It's what I generally do  when I reach a certain threshold that begins affecting the quality of the work.  

In the meantime I decided to spend the last couple of days taking a sort of...mini vacation. I decided to poke my head back in on the Visual novel engine, Cloud Novel, and see how it has shaped up since two years. Two years. Can you believe it's been that long? 

For those of you who have been here longer, you're probably familiar with some of my Projects like the VN version of the Sigj or Advent, the latter that I toyed around with for a couple of months. Though I had been vague of the details, I eventually had to call it quits on that particular project due to the instability of the engine's platform coupled with my 40+ hour work weeks. 

Long story short: Bugs constantly broke my models/assets, and eventually multiple files corrupted or went missing. I was angry and not trusting further work, and decided to float away to see if Cloud Novel would iron out a few things after a bit. 

 Believe it or not, the actual thing that got me into working on Visual Novels in the first place was a fellow by the name of Conan McPhee and their more infamous VN " Shark Dating Simulator XL " 

As a way to blow off some steam and offer up an homage, I decided to try and give my take on the strange story with my own creative twist with " Shark Dating Simulator XS " A take with completely original dialogue and alternative story elements. A link can be found below and followed if you want to check out what I've been doing with my off hours after work.

*Please note it's a Zip file, and upon extraction, you start it by clicking on the "nw-app" I recommend full screen!*


This isn't a complete VN or anything, and really it only covers being on the boat portion, but who knows it might be worth a couple of laughs if you're feeling it. 

 I know a lot of you tell me to take it easy on myself and to rest when I can. I know I have a hard time letting myself actually find some rest. It's hard for me to not worry I might lose some of you due to radio silence. I've been this way for too many years. But I really do mean it when I say I'm so grateful for you being here and supporting me, especially when I feel like, well, a hot mess now and again. 

You take it easy, and treat yourself right. At least better than I treat me anyway! 



honestly you have done more than enough for us (for me personally I dont really like speaking for others they gots minds of their owns so they can rep themselves :P ) and if it's a vacation ya need you can take a month or 2 off for all I care ya earned it. you can just leave go on shane skedaddle enjoy ya time away from the spotlight take care of yaself while I'm busy trying too hard to sound witty over here


I'm so kerfuffled at the moment now; I wanted to make a dumb joke in your last post about how we live in a world where a shark dating sim COULD happen - but then you went to do just that days later, but ALSO telling me such a game already existed beforehand? ; o ; jeez! what a nifty world we live in~ Also here to tell you to take it easy on yourself and have a nice breather if things have got you a little choked at the moment. It sucks when projects take any kind of turn but everyone's got their own rhythm to work with and no one can know yours better than you : ) so take a break, move the passion elsewhere for awhile if it helps you find sanity and some fun with yourself, that's really all one could ask from you. I can't fret the silence cuz I know someone like you always get's back to dancing once you've found the groove again. I'm off to have a really weird, sharktastic evening now, you just stay lovely man and keep well as best you can :)


Hey, if we know you need a break, I don't see why any of us would leave. Support is meant to go through the great and the not so great times. That's at least how I see it!


I appreciate the confirmation about Advent, bums me out alot to hear it, but i completely understand as someone that worked with similar mediums in the last few years only to lose more and more progress with each time something changed. Rest up and go easy on yourself, as an artist you know just as well as any other that creative endeavors are a constant ladder climb of self improvement, criticism and learning to live with work you create (even when to you, you feel you could do better). Just know you have a ton of people that enjoy and have their days made better by what you make. I've been a fan for years and will continue to be.


Finding balance between things is hard. I hope you manage to relax and take a breather. Also, don't get too spooked on Spookoween night ;). Be well!


Ahhh advent <3 I wish these projects didn't take the life out of you, they are so damn good. But please take care of yourself.


Very good so far. I like the characters in this. So far the game runs well, haven't seen any problems with it. You did a great job.

Inhuman Interest

Breaks are a pretty good answer when projects become a source of stress, you do a lot and it's amazing work, hope the break helps

Mike Frant

PROBABLY should have run it by everyone that you stopped working on advent back then...

Shane Wexelman

You're right, and I'm not going to excuse myself for having made my mistakes and just pulled away in silence. I made sure no one was charged at any time as the project was put on hold, but I failed everyone who supported the project by not communicating the issues that were happening behind the scenes. I haven't always acted with the best foot forward, nor thinking everything through even if it seems obvious or irrational. Many people have been kind to me and supportive of my work, and I owe it to them to be better. The best I can do now is live with the choices I have made, and continue forward trying to grow as a person, and doing everything in my power to never make the mistakes I have made again.

Shane Wexelman

I also wanted to lastly add that if you were a supporter of that project, I want to personally say I am sorry for having failed you on it. You deserved better, and to extend that if there is anything I can do to make things right for you, please privately message me. Good health and all the best.