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  • The watcher of Ergledeen.mp4



Good afternoon again my dears! Popping back in with a digital work! 

This piece I call " The Watcher of Ergledeen " Inspired by OneSimpleGamer's " Riding Before The Night " which can be found here https://soundcloud.com/onesimplegamer/riding-before-the-night


There's an overwhelming temptation to the pursuit of perfection in ourselves, and at times we can get caught up within it, unaware of its costing of our own happiness. Given in to this pursuit for too long, we begin to lose sight of any answers, beneath questions that reach  far and wide away, but hardly within us.

Eventually that seemingly innocent enough question " What am I doing wrong? "  Given its time, can lead to " What am I not doing perfectly right? " the guilt is...unimaginable.

 It's rather ironic enough how much time we pour out of ourselves day after day on these rapid pursuits, these directions towards those seemingly unachievable answers. " What is my purpose? What could truly give me happiness, could give me peace? " 

And yet when faced with the  premise of looking inward we are quick to say we haven't the time for it at all. That there are far more valuable things at stake, and those answers are all on the horizons. I will tell you one little truth today that should not be ignored: Your feelings are so precious, and they are, without equal, worthy of your time. No one person, place, or thing should know them better than you do because the answers...are there in you all along.

I don't want you to be ashamed of who you are or what you're doing There's nothing to be ashamed of here.  It's alright, you can take your time....just be sure to take it.   



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